Feast of the Purification *SUNDAY ONLY*

February 2, 2025

Date and Time Details: February 2, 2025 12:15pm - 3pm

Location: Heritage

Address: 240 Washington Road, Crawfordville, GA, USA

Access: 12:15pm - 3pm

Attire: Please dress for the weather

  • – Price

Join us for our annual Mass of the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the historic church in Sharon which dates back to 1883.

Following the Mass, a picnic will be held at the Retreat. It is sure to be a memorable day and unique opportunity to honor our ancestors in the faith.

Registration includes complimentary access to the Retreat at Heritage on Sunday 11am – 3pm.

Tentative Schedule
11:00am | Mass at Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12:15pm | the Retreat opens for lunch and exploration of grounds
3:00pm | the Retreat closes

About Heritage 
Heritage is a  revitalized Catholic settlement in Georgia, offering a sacred destination of faith, history, and beauty. Our historic church, 200-acre retreat, and sacred cemeteries provide a space for profound spiritual renewal and community connection.

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